Total Basset Case: Meal Plan: Week of January 22nd

Jan 22, 2012

Meal Plan: Week of January 22nd

Meal Plan time again!
Apparently when I made this plan a few weeks ago I was feeling very festive!

Sunday: Pancakes and turkey bacon
Monday: My mama's Taco Soup (recipe coming soon!)
Tuesday: Creamy Chicken Taquitos + Rice
(I'm planning on freezing some of these)
Wednesday: Leftovers
 Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Dinner with a friend :)

See what I mean with the festive theme?
We've got our sombreros ready for meals this week, ha!

Reports from last weeks plan:
The dressing alone is very, very good and I know I will be making it again soon!


Anonymous said...

Creamy chicken taquitos are my fave!! Tried them from Pinterest not too long ago and I feel in love. SO glad you posted this... it reminded me that I need to make them again, possibly this week! xo

Darby Hawley said...

um can you reserve a seat for me at the dinner table this week? Thanks :-)

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

Yum! All those meals look great :) I love planning my meals out in the beginning of the week, makes life so much easier!

Ps: Just found your blog and I'm your newest follower!

Hilliary Meisner said...

All those recipes sound delicious! I cannot wait for your moms taco soup recipe!

Caitlin said...

Arriba! We're having veggie quesadillas tonight.

Stella said...

I love mexican food!