Total Basset Case: Double Whammy Wednesday

Feb 22, 2012

Double Whammy Wednesday

Say that one 3 times fast.
 It's Wednesday friends which means it's time for Wednesday fun and today I've got a double dose for you!
Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday
things are getting crazy in here!

First off...WIWW
One outfit for ya that I rocked in Chicago
Blazer, Jeans and Wedges: Target
Striped Shirt: H&M
Watch: NY&Co.

and now on to:
Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday: Dessert Edition
My mama is coming to visit this weekend and I have been trying to figure out what treat to whip up.
Pinterest to the rescue!

 Pretzel Crusted Peanut Butter Cup Blondie Pie
via Cookies and Cups (p.s. have you seen this website?! gobs of deliciousness)
 Strawberry Lemonade Bars
Deep Dish Cookie Pies

Butterfinger Blondies

Andes Mint Cupackes

Alright, what should I choose?
Or do you have a recipe I should try??

Have a great Wednesday peeps!

Linking up here:


Darby Hawley said...

Sarah, if you haven't heard this lately, let me remind you, YOU ARE GORGEOUS! Love that outfit on you!

pam {simple details} said...

I can't get enough of striped shirts - love your pink! So cute!

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

Oh I love your outfit, especially the striped top! That deep dish cookie looks so amazing!

susan jakovina said...

The outfit is adorable. Perfect for a day out in Chicago {oh how I love that city...}
I would try the deep dish cookie. Looks delish.

Meghan @ More from Meg said...

I love your outfit! I've been looking for a great blazer for this spring, I'll definitely have to check out Target!

Lindsey said...

What I took away from this was: Deep Dish Cookie Pies!! Omg, I need that in my life. And you look cute as pie in your Chicago outfit. I'm a total sucker for blazers and jeans. Legit I wear that look all the time.

Anonymous said...

i'm drooling over all these tasty treats!

Laura Burtis said...

LOVE the pink stripes with blazer! So adorable! And all of those treats look AMAZING! Especially the Andes Mint Cupcakes - YUM!

Katie @ My Darling Days said...

Are you kidding me with that Pretzel Crusted Peanut Butter Cup Blondie Pie?? OH.MY.WORD - HEAVEN!!!

Hilliary Meisner said...

My mouth is watering just from looking at all those desserts!

And I love your outfit! The pink under the blazer is a great pop of color! You look beautiful!

Carly said...

I love how you styled your blazer! I just bought one and haven't quite figured it out yet. :)

Unknown said...

How cute is your outfit! Love it!
And I have a cookie on my desk saved for tomorrow, but now after seeing these desserts I'm going to have a hard time not indulging lol.

Ashley said...

loving your chi-chi outfit! so classy!

and i am a MAJOR sweet tooth - these desserts looks awesome!

amycornwell said...

oh wow, the pb blondie pie looks to die for! wow! That would be my vote!

Susanne said...

thanks for stopping by my blog. love your chicago outfit--very chic! and those yummies are making my mouth water :)

navy and orange said...

everything about your outfit is perfect! stripes and blazer! perf!

xoxo navy & orange