Total Basset Case: Canvas

Mar 8, 2012


A few weeks ago Meg over at Henning Love 
(please go check out Meg if you haven't already) 
posted an outfit picture where she had on an ad-or-able red skirt. 
I immediately emailed her and asked where it was from, 
I had to have it!
Meg quickly responded with a gem of a website that I had never heard of:
  Land's End Canvas has SUPER adorable clothes
and their sale section is incredible!
I have been eying a few pieces for awhile now and plan on purchasing a few things soon to add to my spring wardrobe
This is the skirt Meg has...cute, right?
I think it is great how all of other their pieces have a fun yet classic flair to them
It would be so easy to dress up or down all of these items.

I think I'll take one of each!
Which pieces do you like best?

One more thing, I am thinking of hosting a giveaway when I reach 200 followers!
(200? that is crazy!)
I have a few prizes in mind but let me know if you know any Etsy dealers I should know about or if anyone out there is willing to sponsor a giveaway!
Thanks everyone!


Michelle said...

I love all of this!

megan said...

I bought some suede black pumps from LE Canvas about a year ago when they were having a great sale and they are one of my favorite pairs of shoes! They even sent me a hand written letter after I received my package thanking me for my purchase! How's that for customer service?!?

Darby Hawley said...

I've never heard of that website, so I'm going to go check that out right now!! Congrats on your followers! Go girl!

Katie said...

I have never heard of this website!! I will definitely go and check it out bc I love everything you posted! See you tonight :-)

Anonymous said...

oh I want it all!

Lia Joy said...

Have I been hiding under a rock? Where have these clothes been all my life!?

erica said...

Seriously how cute is everything! Looks like I need to go on a little shopping trip. xo

henning love said...

wearing my red skirt today! and cant wait for a cardigan i ordered to be delivered in a few days, yippee!

krissy jane said...

I own the plaid shirt at the top and love, love, love it! I'm a huge fan of this brand. I would, however, suggest staying away from the shirt with the elbow patches. I ordered it, and I had an issue with the stitching on the patches. I've always loved all their other stuff I've ordere though!

Hilliary Meisner said...

I love love love lands end canvas! They have such cute clothing! Love all of these, and I agree that skirt that Meg has I need it! Adorable!!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

have you checked out llbean signature? Similar surprisingly cute stuff!