Total Basset Case: Meal Plan: Week of April 1st

Apr 1, 2012

Meal Plan: Week of April 1st

Here is what we are having this week!
I will back later this week to share my month long plan- I don't quite have it figured out yet but I will soon!

Sunday: Chicken salads and all the fixins + strawberries and whip cream
Monday: Easy Pad Thai
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Bbq Chicken on the Grill + Baked Potatoes
Friday: Pancakes, Eggs and Turkey Bacon
Saturday: Family dinner

What are you having this week??

In other news, I am going to continue with the photo a day series.
Here is the line up for April from Fat Mum Slim

And if you aren't already, you can follow along with me on instagram: totalbassetcase
Ill have a March photo a day wrap up soon!
This is such a fun series and a great way to be creative - you should join in!
April 1: Your Reflection


Anonymous said...

i did so good with the february photo challenge, but failed miserably with march :( maybe i'll do better with April!

natasha {schue love} said...

Yum, pad thai sounds delish!

Call it Adventure said...

We have the same phone case! Meal plan sounds delicious. I need to get my practicing on meal planning done this summer so I'm ready when I move into a big girl house with my friends next school year!

Ashley said...

i failed on about day 3 on the March photo challenge and considering it's day 2 in April and I missed....I might be behind again -but mostly because I was a sloth yesterday and didnt shower;)

your menu sounds AMAZING!! can i come for dinner ;)

henning love said...

oooh quiche, yum!! i am coming over to your house for dinners this week and yes i just invited myself :-)

ms.composure said...

stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv! Def enjoyed this post!!your menu sounds amazing! def need to add some of those to my menu in the near future!!