Total Basset Case: Weekend Wrap Up: Insta Style

Apr 24, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up: Insta Style

We spent the weekend with some of our best friends, the Beckers in Fort Wayne.
Here is Kady's wrap up of the weekend!

Floyd took it easy by the hot tub
 I hung out with Miss Josie
We had a delicious dinner Saturday night at catablu

And Mister hung out with Jack
I also picked up these goodies at Old Navy on Saturday

We had a great time with the Beckers and can't wait to see them again soon!!
How was your weekend?


Anonymous said...

i have that dress in black from Old Navy!

Anonymous said...

i have that dress in black from Old Navy!

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

love what you picked up at Old Navy- the checked is adorable!

Caitlin said...

I love finding great stuff at Old Navy! So satisfying!

kourtney said...

Floyd is too cute, did he not try to swim?! My Lucy loves water and her attempts at swimming most always leave her at the bottom ;)

Meghan @ More from Meg said...

Old Navy is the best!!! said...

Looks like you all had so much fun. You should definitely stop by e.Allen next time your in Murfressboro. It's fabulous!

henning love said...

oooh old navy finds love it sarah!! and miss josie is just adorable

Kristen @ All In My Twenties said...

1. I LOVE your blog name!
2. I LOVE your header
3. I LOVE your dog!!!

So freakin cute!!!