Total Basset Case: Summer Shopping

May 10, 2012

Summer Shopping

The summer shopping bug has bitten me.
I have been dreaming of skirts, colored shorts and maxi dresses all day long.

Here are a few things on my wish listSummer Shopping
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

What pieces have you had your eye on?

(ps this is my first Polyvore collage...thoughts??)


Anonymous said...

REALLY love number 8!

henning love said...

ok it is official we NEED to go shopping together because i would buy all of those things you posted. seriously we need to be shopping buddies sarah

Unknown said...

OMG. That pink dress is too good.

xoxo, Emily

Caitlin said...

LOVE the shorts!

Meghan @ More from Meg said...

Super cute collage!! ;) I love #1 and #8!!

Nicole Rene said...

Ohhh lala I love it all! Especially think that yellow skirt & wife beater would be so adorable together with some fun wedges! And that hot pink maxi dress is gorgeous! I want it!!! :) Have a great weekend!

Katie said...

Need those shorts! and please tell me / give me tutorial on how to make these collages?! need to nkow ahh!