Total Basset Case: Fall Purchases

Sep 25, 2012

Fall Purchases

The Mister was out of town recently
and I did what all good wives do when the hubs is away...
I went shopping!
Le duh. 

Before I show you my purchases, I have a confession...I have not quite embraced fall yet.
I mean, of course, I have had a PSL (who hasn't??) and my fall candle is out but I haven't put the sandals up quite yet.
I know, I know, everyone loves fall (and so do I) BUT I always approach it cautiously because once it's fall, it means winter is coming.
And I HATE being cold. 
But, fall is slowly growing on me again this year and if it wants to be 70 degrees all fall, that is totally fine with me.

So in order to get my self even more in the mood for fall, I decided I should probably purchase a few fall items.
I mean that just makes sense, right?

1. Polka Dot Peplum: I haven't met a polka dot I don't like and I have been dying to try out a peplum top.  After purchasing this Elle one from Kohls, I am officially hooked on peplum and need more in my life. 
(Plus this top was on sale for $16.99 and I had $10 off!)

2. Red Skinny Jeans: I purchased pink skinnies back in the spring and figured that red ones were only appropriate (and necessary for fall). Plus they were $17, I mean really? Can you beat that?
I purchased mine at Pennys (in the junior department) and their sizes run a little small.  So don't beat yourself up if you have to size up a few...I did and just ignored the number on the tag and went with what fit the best.

3. Black Cross Body Bag: I have been on the hunt for a cross body bag that would hold my camera but not be too big.  I still haven't found the exact right one (and am thinking it may be impossible) but I did find this one (at Penny's as well!) and really love it for fall.
How cute is that fringe on the zipper?

4. Brown Wedges: I can't find these online anywhere but I got mine at DSW on clearance (they are the Tavish by Guess). I know these aren't quite fall but I know I can wear them next spring/summer. And I have a few instances coming up that I think I can squeeze them in before it gets too chilly.

 Also, they just put in a Francesca's (dangerously) close to my house and I have decided I want everything they have.  I've stopped in the one at the mall but I've never purchased anything.  This new one seems different or updated...and I want it all!

There you have it...I am getting in the fall spirit!
Have you made any fall purchases yet?


Michelle said...

I need a pair of red skinny jeans! I feel like I'm the only one without a pair.

Jodi said...

I REALLY want to try a peplum top but haven't been able to find one yet! So cute!!

Erin said...

Ugh, Francesca's is SO DANGEROUS. I go in there THINKING I can just look, and always purchase something-- usually more than one thing, lol! Where did the new one just go in?!

Also- I could cry looking at your red skinnies. I got some this summer and wore them maybe once, and they have gone missing!! Blahhh!!!

Veronica Lee Burns said...

I SO agree about Fall! I'm ready for some cooler weather and the fun fashion but not looking forward to the real cold stuff that comes real close after fall.

Anne said...

Oh I am with you - I've been complaining that fall is coming on a leetle strong around here. It's lovely to wear jeans, but there is no need to be getting below 50 degrees yet! But I definitely have given in to some fall shopping temptations in the meantime... love your finds, especially that peplum!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

Love the red skinny jeans! I like shopping when Hubbs is out of town too - it's so much easier getting home with all my goodies! :)

Lindsey Nicole said...

Ugh there is a Francesca's within walking distance from my front door - major problem!! That's usually where I can be found if my hubby is being annoying lol

Brittany @ Brittany's Joy Blog said...

Ooh I really like that peplum top! Normally I'm not a huge fan of peplum, but that one is really subtle and feminine. Nice pick (plus GREAT price ;) ). PS I totally shop when the hubs is out of town too... Dangerous because he'll be out on business for a week next month and all the cute fall stuff is starting to come out. I'm in denial about summer ending.

Jen said...

I love Fall, but just started dressing for it this last week. It's so hard to get out your boots when the temps are still in the 70s/80s. I just purchased some cute cords (in blue and plum) from Loft for $35 each! Still need to figure out a top/sweater for them. It was a great deal though. I also love Francesca's, and haven't been in there in a while. I might have to stop by soon. Thanks for sharing your finds! :)

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

Okay, love the outfit! I feel like the only person who does not yet have a peplum top OR colored jeans! I have tried on several pair but feel like they aren't doing it for me (all the ones I've tried on are too thin and highlight all my problem areas, ha). If you're like me I'm always scared to embrace fall because next week it'll probably be hot again :P

Jan said...

Oooh! I want a peplum top too! :)


Head to Toe Chic said...

I agree, red skinny jeans are a must for fall! I have a pair and love them :)


Anne said...

Shut up...those Guess Wedges: MY FAVORITE IN MY CLOSET.

I snagged those puppies 2 years ago at DSW and they are my go-to's fo sho.

Love that cross body as well!!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

I would find any reason to wear those brown wedges until my toes get too cold!

Anonymous said...

i love that top!

Heather said...

That polka dot peplum top is just too cute


Tamaras Blend said...

I also purchased red (burgundy shade) skinny jeans for autumn! They're perfect, I could wear them all the time.