Total Basset Case: Currently...

Dec 20, 2012


I saw this post idea over at Katie's blog and have been wanting to do my own version

Currently I am...

Reading: blogs, but other than those I have been slacking on my reading.  I'm hoping to do some over Christmas break.  Although I did start randomly getting Women's Health and InStyle in the mail for some reason so I've been browsing through those.
Watching: we just watched the season finales of Dexter and Homeland and are still in shock and have so many questions. The idea that we have to wait 9 months for them to start back up is excruciating!

Eating: energy balls.
We can NOT stop. They are so good and the perfect combination of protein and deliciousness. I'm talking I've probably made 5 batches in the last month or so.
We are obsessed.

Looking Forward To: a break from work and having some relaxing time off.
And, of course, Christmas, my birthday and seeing the besties!!

Thinking About: why Floyd has been such a nut case lately?!
He has been running around like a WILD man every day.
He has been lunging at the counters trying to steal dinner, nosing through my purse nonstop, and running away with spools of wrapping ribbon.
I have tried to tell him Santa is watching...
Needless to say, there are have been a few time outs lately.
And when he gets out, he goes immediately to sleep, as if he has done nothing wrong.
Smiling About: my boys.
And looking at all of the gifts wrapped and ready to go under our tree for our friends and family.

Loving: that we are going to see all of our friends and family soon and celebrate Christmas!!
And eat our hearts out...

Dreaming About: What Santa could possibly be bringing me?!
A few items I told Santa I wanted: tortoise watch, monogram necklace, anything and everything from Sephora, comfy and cute pj's

What is currently going on in your life??


C Mae said...

Dogs are the best. :) No different than human kids keeping us owners on our toes! :)

Nat said...

I've been horrible about reading too lately- I have so many half finished books on my kindle.
Your dog sounds like my puppy these days!

Kait said...

Oh my gosh, I just love the crate photo! Those ears all spread out...

Joy said...

Okay Sarah, I know Floyd is a perfect angel and you better not be mean to him. =) If Auntie Joy needs to come get him, you just let me know! ;) And I'm with you there on the any and everything from Sephora... that is always on the top of my list every year!

Jodi said...

Dog time outs. Too funny! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the time away from work. I know I will!

Helene said...

i've been soooo bad about reading books, I just always find an excuse!

Caitlin said...

Our Basset Tillie has been out of hand, too! Though Jesse and I keep reminding ourselves that this is her first Christmas with a loving family and she doesn't "understand the rules" yet. She keeps taking ornaments off of the tree and gently carrying them around the house. We are finding unbroken, unharmed ornaments in guest bedrooms, the office, and on the back porch.

k8te said...

haha too cute, our pup is totally the same way, lots of timeouts for us lately too! and we just can't leave him alone in general yet. we're hoping at a year old he'll turn the corner into a slightly more mature pup...ha. those energy balls sounds awesome, i will have to give them a try!!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

I love Floyd! Dogs are so funny!

Rachel @ front row seat said...

I cannot BELIEVE how Dexter ended!! I was seriously in shock!!

Domesticable said...

I'm thinking it's something in the air because Toby has been insane the past few weeks. Last night he ran up the stairs and knocked me down by hitting the back of my knee. It's swollen and really sore. He also ate two Christmas gifts and destroyed his toy all over the house. Timeouts are a must. Perhaps I should bring back his crate and do the same thing. Good idea.


Erin said...

Floyd knows he can act naughty and will still get spoiled bc he's so darn cute!! ;) Maybe he's been sneaking some of those energy balls?!

Ashley said...

Oh my goodnesssss!!!! Floyd!! So pitiful in timeout. I think you should make an Instagram site just for Floyd. I really do. I could look at him all day.

Noel wants to start watching Homeland. Do you like it?

Sarah Tucker said...

You're "currently I am.." is so much more interesting than mine would be!! Floyd is so presh! Those eyes are killer...puppy-dog eyes get me every.single.time.

Danielle said...

Haha! Oh Floyd! I bet Santa still brings you presents this year!! You are too cute for him not to despite your naught ways :)

Katie said...

we are planning on getting caught up on dexter tonight! we are way behind!

Katie said...

Floyd is sooo CUTE!!!

Casey said...

So funny, Pierre has been a wild man the past two days or so! ALL SEASON, he has not TOUCHED my tree or presents, but this morning, out of the blue, Eric caught him on his bed - cuddled up with one of my wrapped Christmas gifts just nibbling away! Then he RAN from Eric all the way upstairs when he told him no. Not to mention that he swiped the last two cinnamon raisin english muffins yesterday. Grrr. Antics I tell you - he's totally calling my bluff on Santa Paws. Knows he's getting gifts no matter what, little stinker.

Unknown said...

Maybe Floyd is just trying to live it up since he heard about he Mayan calendar. :)

Because Shanna Said So said...

Sweet little Floyd! He's going thru that adolescent phase. ;) hope you get everything off your list! Enjoy your holidays!! Xoxo

his little lady said...

Aw, Homeland NEEDS to go on Netflix asap! I was able to watch the first two episodes with the hubby and we were instantly hooked but haven't been able to watch it for free anywhere else, boo!
xo TJ

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Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

I am / have been looking forward to reading as well. I am digging into my first book right now and it's been soo nice :) We don't have hob or showtime, but LOVE Dexter!! We are waiting for the season 5(?) DVD from Netflix to catch up!!

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Unknown said...

Dog time outs. Too funny! I wish you have a amazing Xmas and appreciate enough time away from perform. I know I will!
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