Day 8: Discuss how blogging and social media have changed you
Oh mama. This is a big one for me.
There are definitely pros and cons to this crazy blogging world.
I'd have to say the pros significantly out weigh the cons, but that there are some cons.
I have never been less than ecstatic that blogging and social media has entered my life.
I think the thing that sticks out most in my life are the friendships I've made.
I never thought in a million years when I started this little corner of the world I would meet some of my very best friends and connect with so many women.
It's amazing knowing that if I am to travel across the country, or even world, there is a large chance I can meet up and connect with a blogger- how awesome is that?!
We are nothing less than an amazing community of supporting women!
I also love having a space where I can document our lives and adventures with our friends and family far away. I love looking back at past posts remembering where we were this time last year and how far we've come. I also really love sharing Floyd with everyone, as silly as that may seem. I am, clearly, a HUGE animal lover and dogs make me so, so happy. Floyd makes us laugh on a daily basis and I love that we can share his antics with you guys so often.
insta obsessed collage in our guest room
Now the cons....
Well, as much as Mister 100% supports this space of mine, he probably has more cons than I do.
I fully acknowledge that blogging takes away from time that I could be spending with him and Floyd. I take full responsibility of that and I am honestly trying to do better about it.
Blogging and social media has caused me to be glued to my phone more often.
Instagram is updated about 56 times a day on my phone and it seems I am constantly texting (IRL and blog friends) or responding to blog comments.
Well I do love that side of blogging and media and the connections I've made, I know it's not a great habit.
Because of social media, mainly instagram, I have developed a severe case of FOMO (fear of missing out). Kait wrote a great post about that here.
I have this crazy anxiety that if I don't check Instagram often enough I am going to miss out on something...#terriblehabit. I fully acknowledge that I need to cool it. Because you know what, the world goes on, even if I don't check instagram every 5 minutes.
But I have to say, overall, I LOVE that blogging and social media are in my life.
I love the connections, the friends, the stories, the Pinterest finds, the fun and the insight to really great online stores ;) I often think, when do I stop blogging or what if I stop blogging one day? And I immediately start panicking because I think I may pass out without blogging in my life. I love having it around and having it as a creative outlet. Big or small, I think everyone should have a blog at some point in their is pretty awesome to have a space all your own to get your creative juices flowing. And you never know, you may meet some of your best friends along the way.
And on that note, be sure to follow along with our weekend adventures on isntagram @totalbassetcase
What are your thoughts?
Social media, good or bad?

My coworker told me to look up FOMO because she thinks I have it...and I think I do :-/
Big Apple, Little Bites
Definitely agree with the taking away part. It's tempting to always be on Instagram and all that but especially when you have a child you have to learn not to! :)
I totally have FOMO, especially with Instagram. Although I have gotten a little better ever since we got back from vacation. I spent almost a week away from social media (didn't have service in some of the remote locations, plus just always being on the go), and had a sort of freak out moment when I got back and realized how much I missed. I wanted to fully catch up but I couldn't and at that point so I gave myself a pass and it was a little freeing :)
My past two weeks have been FOMO. I try to read as many blogs as possible, but then I try to spend as much time with Dane as possible. I still want to upload things, but even the .8 seconds it might take me to Instagram something, that's .8 seconds I could be having with him. I think you're 100% right about social media being the root of all this business. A very small part of me is ready to get this show on the road so I can at least have a schedule again.
Oh man, I agree with everything you said here. Ditto. Except for the instagram thing. I don't have that one. Yet.
FOMO! My friends and I talk about that all the time! I had blogger FOMO over the weekend when I didn't post anything!
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