Total Basset Case: Gearin Up for the Weekend

May 5, 2011

Gearin Up for the Weekend

So, we are hosting the mothers this weekend for a Mother's Day Luncheon...and I'm really excited! After much deliberation, I think I have decided on a menu. I LOVE planning menus but I have this teeny, tiny issue with wanting to make sure they are perfect.  And then I go over and over and over them until I'm positive they are perfect.  It makes for a long process and one that the Mister does his best to stay out of. Which is probably for the best because his answer is always, 'yep, that sounds good, I'd eat that.'  Not the most helpful answer.  So this time around I enlisted the help of Bethany...she gives much better input.

However, you lovely people, are going to have to wait to hear what the menu is until after the luncheon.  Hey, I have to keep some secrets from the Moms :)

Ill be back later this weekend with a full wrap up of the events, recipes, and crafts.  For now, I better get to cookin!

P.S. There's a Yagoot opening up about 7 seconds from our house on Saturday and they are giving it away free. I. Can't. Wait. Has anyone had Yagoot?? It's It is so good I may just move the luncheon there.

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