Total Basset Case: Green Thumb?

Mar 21, 2012

Green Thumb?

One evening last Summer, Mister and I were strolling through Lowes (we lead an exciting life)
and I came upon a mega flower sale.
I picked up 2 flats (is that what they are called?) of flowers for super cheap.
I'm talking $.13 a bulb cheap.
I quickly snatched them up and started planting.
Now, I do not know a whole lot about planting flowers
but I figured I would plant the bulbs and see what happened this Spring.
Well, look what happened...

These beauties popped up basically over night

Our magnolia tree has also started blooming
Isn't that pink color fantastic?

And one more peek at our yard...

Hope you're having a great Wednesday, friends!


Sunkissed and Southern said...

so pretty. id love my own grass and flowers!

Jenny N said...

good job!! :) I love plants. And the magnolias are so pretty right now!

Darby Hawley said...

So beautiful!

The Sweetest Thing said...

BEAUTIFUL! Ok, so that happened here. IT was like TOTALLY out of the blue that ALL of the plants and flowers just came alive. I walked out of my office one day and a tree was covered in purple flowers. The Lord sure is good!

Elisa of Fancy Free Me said...

I love spring!! I went out and bought pansies because I don't have any spring bulbs.

Caitlin said...

Awesome! I'm jealous that you can have tulips... turns out the deer ate most of mine. My crocuses are coming up though (I planted those basically ON the house so they weren't eaten... yet) and I LOVE the feeling of spring!

Also I totally need one of those statues!!! We have a second Basset coming up to us from a kill shelter in April. I am beyond excited!!

Anonymous said...


Katie @Team Skelley said...

Where did you find that statue?!?!? We had a similar one in TN that was stolen out of our yard and I have never been able to find another one!

krissy jane said...

I love that we both posted spring flowers today! But let's be honest, that garden basset is unbeatable. So stinkin cute!