Total Basset Case: Meal Plan: Week of March 18th

Mar 18, 2012

Meal Plan: Week of March 18th

Did everyone survive St. Patrick's Day??

Here is what we are munching on this week
Sunday: Pesto Chicken Salad Sammies + Zucchini Fries 
(didn't even up having our luncheon)
 Tuesday: Leftover Chicken + Broccoli 
Wednesday: Honey Butter Pork Tenderloin + Baked Potatoes
 Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Breakfast for dinner
Saturday: Anniversary Date Night :) 
Place to be determined but sure to be delicious!!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday at 9:45 can not come SOON enough...


Caitlin said...

Do you have your tickets already? I'm trying to figure out how early I can buy them! Very excited!!

Erin said...

I'm glad other people do 'breakfast for dinner' also! :) We did that this past week! I'm going to have to check out a couple of those other recipes as well!

Anonymous said...


Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

I feel so out of the loop I keep hearing about Hunger Games but haven't even taken the time to figure out what it is all about or what all the hoopla is about! Haha....I am losing my hipness (and yes using the word hip proves that)

Lauren {Stylized Existence} said...

I have a pork tenderloin in the fridge... I think I will use that honey butter tenderloin recipe ... yum
Tonight we had grilled bbq chicken with homemade cole slaw... made it with olive oil mayo... took the slaw and bbq chicken and made it into a big chopped salad. it was so good!