Total Basset Case: Weekend Wrap Up: Memorial Day

May 29, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up: Memorial Day

Who wants to start a petition with me to make all weekends 3 days??

We managed to cram a LOT into these past 3 days 
and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Here's what went down
(in bullet and photo form)

Friday night Mister and I had a date at Pitrellis
then we rented The Sitter
 and had to turn it off about 20 minutes in because 
there were too many disasters happening.
I hate disaster movies.

Saturday I spent the day with Floyd 
and then the afternoon at the pool with Mister.
Then, I did something I never do.
I was spontaneous.
I decided to drive to Indianapolis to see the best friends.
And it really could have not been a better spontaneous decision.
I am so happy that I went and it was SO amazing to see the girls.
 Saturday night we played 'Cards Against Humanity'
This game is too funny for words.
Think an adult version of Apples to Apples.
I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time. 
(disclaimer: this game can be offensive ... just fyi it is not for children)

On Sunday our day started by scrambling to McDonalds before 11 to get breakfast
(you know you have all been there before...)
 Then we headed over to Elise's to hang out and soak up some sun!
Sunday afternoon I came back to Cincinnati 
and we had a delicious dinner at Eddie Merlot's with 
the Mister's parents and family for their 40th (!) wedding anniversary!
Dinner was amazing but being married for 40 years is even more amazing!
Congrats again to them!!

Monday was rounded out with errands, pooling it, 
 outlet shopping 
 and ice cream

Phew and now I need another nap!

How was your holiday weekend??
Share the details!!

P.S. Who else is excited that PicMonkey added the collage feature??


Joy said...

I wish you would have asked what everyone thought before you rented the sitter... I couldn't believe I wasted money renting it. We did watch the entire movie, but I felt "stupider" once it was over. =)

Looks like a wonderful Memorial weekend!! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Savannah said...

What a fun weekend! Love that you were able to sneak in a spontaneous trip to see friends. And 40 years? What an accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

how fun!

Sam said...

Looks like a good weekend! We have an Eddie Merlot's in Louisville, too. It's excellent but pricey!!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Looks like you had a fantastic weekend!! We are a little sad that it's over!! Oh and your brownie recipe almost sent us over! They looks too good!!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

Anonymous said...

We watched 'The Sitter' last night and made it through the whole was terrible!! I wish we would have shut it off after the first 20 minutes but we kept thinking it would get such luck!!

Lauren {Stylized Existence} said...

I hate disaster movies too. I can't watch them. I HATE THEM! Your weekend looks so fun!

Meghan @ More from Meg said...

Love your pics - looks like you guys had a great weekend!!! :)

henning love said...

yay for being spontaneous!! and that sprinkle ice cream cone looks great. i want another holiday weekend for sure! why do they always go by so so fast?

Erin said...

I was JUST going to ask how you collaged those lovely pics together and then BOOM you knew I'd ask and you told me.

And I'm totally with you on the 3 day weekend bandwagon. Let's start a petition.

Tess said...

What a perfect American Summer Weekend! Your ice cream cone and pretty floral dress are just perfect!!

How was The Sitter? I've been wanting to watch it.

Unknown said...

What a fun weekend you had! And I will be the first to sign your '3 day weekend' petition!

xoxo, Emily

Erin said...

I heard the sitter was horrible- thanks for confirming!

I'm totally checking out that game now, we LOVE board/card games at our house and are always up for new ones... and it sounds interesting, for sure! ;)

Because Shanna Said So said...

Awe, I love them all! What a great weekend!! What a fun spontaneous trip to see the bestie!! You ladies are precious! And I so need to buy that game nights!!! Thanks for sharing!

Lia Joy said...

That ice cream cone looks amazing. :)

Sami said...

I love that you called The Sitter a disaster movie! Those movies give me serious anxiety bc I can't help but think how much I would freak out if it was me! I did watch the whole thing though and thought it was funny! Those Bloody Mary's and that ice cream cone look so yummy! :)

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

I totally will sign any 3 day petition you got going on! That game has piqued my interest definatly going to have to try it out.

Caitlin said...

It was my parent's anniversary this weekend, too - 34 years. I love that it usually falls on a long weekend... and I will join in your petition for perpetual long weekends.

Though it sounded that you, like me, will need a few more days to recover from the weekend!

Emily said...

im totally on the 3 day petition! looks like a fun weekend!

jes @ twosmuppies said...

i am all about making all the weekends 3 day weekends!

Darby Hawley said...

That sounds like an awesome weekend! And apples to apples always has me cracking up!