Total Basset Case: Happy Birthday Floyd!

Apr 10, 2017

Happy Birthday Floyd!

Today marks Mr. Floyd's 8th birthday!
How in the world?!
We sure love him SO very, very much and he makes us so happy and laugh every day.
Many of you know Floyd is full of his own quirks, personality and loves to do his own thing.  This has never changed since the moment we've had him.  The one thing Floyd does best is doing his own thing.  Part of that is stubbornness of being a hound and I'm pretty sure the other half is just Floyd.  

Knock on wood, he has been so sweet with LM.  He was the star of the show for so long but we are pretty sure now he knows LM is just part of our pack.  

Every day when I bring LM home and let Floyd out,  Floyd runs right up to his carseat and gives him one lick across the face.  I can't decide if its 'Oh, you're still here, yay!' or 'oh man, mama brought you back again'.  I'm going with the first one because it makes my heart happy.  

Every morning when he wakes up he sticks his nose in LM's door to check on him.

He does a great job when we take LM on walks and makes sure everyone knows we are walking his bother and they need to stay away.  
Happy birthday Floyd, we love you SO MUCH!! 


Jen said...

Happy Birthday Floyd!!

Kait said...

Happy Birthday you snarly little man! I love you so!

Anonymous said...

Birthday wishes for Big Sister