Total Basset Case: Oh, How Pinteresting!

May 2, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

It's Pinterest Wednesday again!

I have been seeing so many beautiful interiors on Pinterest lately.
Here are some of my favorites...
Oh em gee these polka dots...I die. 

Chevron chairs in grey...just awesome

Those the look and the way it elongates the room

Fabulous use of color

Love the use of multiple colors in the stripes

What have you been crushing on lately on Pinterest?

Linking up with The Vintage Apple!


Darby Hawley said...

Can I please have that kitchen!

Linny said...

I love that kitchen! I like the pops of colors too, especially in a white room! Great finds!

Meghan @ More from Meg said...

Love all your pins - especially that bedroom and kitchen!! So cute! :)

Jamie said...

Those floors are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

all so pretty!

Shari said...

That kitchen is AMAZING! Thanks for sharing. :)